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4 Paws for Ability places service dogs with children and veterans with disabilities such as autism assistance, seizure alert, and mobility related issues.
Donate to 4 Paws for Ability.

Donations from individuals, businesses, and corporate partnerships are essential to provide food, veterinary care, and other essentials as we prepare each service dog. Click here to donate now!

Learn about 4 Paws service dogs.

4 Paws for Ability places more than ten types of service dogs with children, adults and veterans with disabilities. Click here to learn more about our service dogs and how to apply.

Volunteer at 4 Paws for Ability.

4 Paws for Ability thrives with the help and support of hundreds of onsite volunteers and community volunteer trainers.
Click here to learn more about how you can join us!

Service Dog Milestones

4 Paws for Ability's mission relies of generous donors and caring volunteers.

Join our Team

Come work with us!

4 Paws for Ability only accepts applications for specific job openings and does not keep applications on file for unadvertised jobs.

Special Thanks to Our Diamond Level Partners