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4 Paws for Ability purpose breeds service dogs to ensure the highest level of temperament and health.

At 4 Paws for Ability, we breed, raise, train, and place service dogs. Placing a well-trained and high-quality service dog begins even before the puppy is born. The breeding program is a critical component to support the goal that the puppies born into the program have the best chance possible to become a service dog.

The 4 Paws breeding program

Breeding dogs are carefully selected for health and behavior qualities. They are raised in the service dog in training program and must pass every assessment that is expected of a dog that would become a service dog. Once behavior assessments are completed, comprehensive health testing starts in the areas of ophthalmology, orthopedics, cardiology, and genetic testing. 

Breeding dogs meet a high standard as they create the foundation for the future of the program and service dogs.

Quick Links:

Learn about our puppy enrichment program.
Learn about becoming a guardian home volunteer.
Browse our frequently asked questions.