The Puppy Enrichment Program (PEP) is the crucial foundational training program for the puppies at 4 Paws for Ability and begins when the puppies are just three days old. The main goal of the program is to raise well-socialized and well-rounded puppies through positive interactions.

Puppies are introduced to a wide range of experiences, including sounds, scents, objects, sights, and more. At four weeks old, puppy playtime is introduced, which is a one-hour daily play session led by volunteers. The puppies begin working offsite at eight weeks old in various locations to start practicing in public spaces. They are also taught foundational obedience skills, including sit, down, name call, shake, and more.
The program’s goal is to create confident eight-week-old puppies with a solid foundation of obedience skills to prepare them for their roles as service dogs.
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