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Anthony & Combee

    4 Paws for Ability takes pride in placing life-changing service dogs with children and veterans with disabilities, but “life-changing” can mean a number of different things.

    In January 2021, Anthony, a retired United States Marines Corps Sergeant, had his life changed when he met Combee. “I know I speak for all vets who have come to 4 Paws when I say, we come to you wishing to fill a void in ourselves.” Today, Anthony says, “the void is filled and then some because Combee knows me better than I know myself sometimes.”

    Service Dog Combee is a three-year-old golden labrador retriever, born with the “Honey Bee Day litter,” and still proves himself every day. “He is helping me realize we need to unplug from the chaos of the world, and just love life like they all do so much. To me, saying thank you isn’t enough for what this dog has done for me and my mental health. Thank you for this life-changing partner.”

    Beyond improving his day-to-day, Combee has become critical to living too. “Before I knew I had severe sleep apnea, he would wake me up when I would stop breathing in my sleep. I thought it was just nightmares I wasn’t able to remember. This dog has literally saved my life on more than one occasion.”

    “Combee and I go on walks and since it’s getting nicer out, we will be going on even more. I love this boy more and more each day. He and I are two peas in a pod. I’ve actually been sick the last four days and he LITERALLY hasn’t left my side one time.”

    Combee is changing, and saving retired USMC Sergeant Anthony’s life each day, and they’ve created a bond that will last forever.

    “He and I are two peas in a pod. Thank you so much for Combs.”
