Two sisters are already making a difference in the lives of others. August, age 13, and Avery, age 8, are two of the nearly 500,000 users of the BusyKid app. The app “allows parents to create a task list for each child, add in how frequently you want them to do each task, and choose how much money they will earn.” The app teaches children many lessons, including the importance of sharing.
4 Paws for Ability is one of the charities to support on the BusyKid app, and it caught the attention of August and Avery. August shares, “Of the charities I had to choose from, 4 Paws for Ability caught my eye because their mission is very unique and more people should be doing it because it allows everyone to be treated similarly and they don’t have to be treated differently.” Her younger sister Avery agreed and shared, “I chose 4 Paws for Ability because I thought it was so sweet and animals get to help more people which is important to me because dogs are really close to my heart and they are so cute.”
August and Avery earn money on the BusyKid app by doing chores such as cleaning the microwave, cleaning the refrigerator door, and cleaning the kitchen cupboards. Avery added, “Doing chores that mom doesn’t want to do like washing the couches.”
These sisters hope to inspire other young people to support causes they find important. They both found 4 Paws for Ability’s mission meaningful to them. “I would like to tell other kids that it’s not only about the grown-ups that they care about, it’s also about other kids. Many charities focus on adults, and I like that this organization focuses on children.” August explained. Avery said, “I like donating because I think it helps dogs find new homes to help people and I would like to tell other kids that I like giving away my money because it helps more people and I like thinking of more people other than me.”